Light Peach Cover acrygel 60g

AcryGel for construction of artificial nails and reinforcing natural ones, in a light-peach shade. Although it looks best with light complexions, Light Peach Cover suits every skin tone. Provides 80 to 90% opacity and beautifully covers the smile line of the natural nail plate. Suitable for various nail beds, especially those with a reddish color. Light Peach Cover is perfect for uniform nail extension, Baby Boomer, salon French and construction.  

  • flexible product with the consistency of soft plasticine;
  • spreads very nicely under the brush - is neither too hard nor too soft;
  • thick consistency and low viscosity prevent the product from rising and sticking to the brush;
  • very small granularity, experienced only during application - the surface of the nail is perfectly smooth after curing;
  • coverage from 80 to 90%, with a layer thickness of 2 mm;
  • retains a medium structure while filing - quite easy to file;
  • does not rub off and does not change shape during exploitation, which is very common in the case of acrygels from other manufacturers;
  • has an inhibition layer that must be wiped before filing or matting;
  • the customer does not experience unpleasant burning sensations on the nails when curing in a lamp;
  • perfect for applying minimal layers to strengthen the natural nail; a 1 mm layer stiffens the nail well enough to guarantee it retains its structure;
  • curing time: 2 minutes in a 48-WATT LED lamp from Slowianka; 3 - 4 minutes in a UV lamp;
  • curing provides sufficient hardness and minimal cushioning, which is a feature of products for nail reinforcement and extension;
  • combines with other nail extension products (gel, acrylic) and hybrids. 

Complementary products:
Master Brush 6, cotton pad, Cleaner, 180/240 file, 240/240 Polisher,120/180 Mini Polisher, Base Gel, Ultra Bond, Top No Wipe, Crimper, Duo Form.

  • prepare the natural nail for reinforcement with acrylic or artificial nail construction;
  • apply adhesive preparations and put on stencils;
  • squeeze a small amount of the product directly onto the natural nail, to the stencil and natural nail meeting point or into a Duo Form;
  • dip a brush in Cleaner so that the product spreads perfectly and does not stick; for working with acrylics, we recommend Master Brush 6;
  • shape the nails as desired;
  • in order to make the nails slender, place the client's hand into a lamp for 20 - 30 seconds, then apply clamps and place in the Slowianka 48-WATT LED lamp for 2 minutes / in a UV lamp for 3 minutes to cure fully;
  • if we do not intend to form tunnels on the nails, place the hand into a lamp until fully cured (2 minutes in the Slowianka LED lamp, 3 minutes in the UV lamp);  
  • remove the stencils and wipe the stickiness with a dust-free swab soaked in Cleaner,
  • depending on how the stylist controls the product, the nails have already been given the right shape; if not, start filing with a 180/240 file;
  • the entire structure of the nail has to be dusted and matted, removing scratches resulting from thick-gradation file with a 240/240 polishing block; 
  • proceed according to styling methods: Baby Boomer, solid gel polish color, French;
  • apply the selected glossy or matte top coat and cure according to product use instructions. 
P.S. The presented form of product use is abbreviated and does not replace any form of training. This is one of the variants of using the product. To deepen your knowledge and ability to use the product, we recommend using stationary, online training or our free live broadcasts.
AcryGel for construction of artificial nails and reinforcing natural ones, in a light-peach shade. Although it looks best with light complexions, Light Peach Cover suits every skin tone. Provides 80 to 90% opacity and beautifully covers the smile line of the natural nail plate. Suitable for various nail beds, especially those with a reddish color. Light Peach Cover is perfect for uniform nail extension, Baby Boomer, salon French and construction.
NOTE: The composition may depending on the product series.
If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected]
For professional use only. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Read instructions for use carefully. May cause an allergic reaction.